Cannabis (Hemp/ Marijuana) plant is gaining interest due to its medicinal usage in chronic & debilitating disorders like Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Fibromyalgia (FM) to many form of cancers which have been pushed to complete remission with its use. The medicinal preparations are vivid and mostly related to usage of its active contents of Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), Cannabidiol (CBD) and other Cannabinoids (around 84) which are extracted and utilized in many preparations from this plant. With renewed interest in this plant worldwide let us describe its preparations and usage in details to get a better understanding of varied terms associated with it.
Cannabis genus comprises of 3 species
Cannabis sativa Linn., Sp. Pl. 1027. 1753
Cannabis indica Lam., Encyc. 1 (2): 695. 1785.
Cannabis ruderalis Janisch
Botanically all the three species are differentiated on some certain cues as due to interbreeding and domestication many phenotype variations have cropped up adding to confusion of Cannabis species.
Cannabis Sativa

Tall (6-18ft)
Long thin leaves
Sparsely branched
Long inter-nodes
Central Asia and Central Europe
High THC , Low CBD
(as comp to C.indica)
Cannabis indica

Short (4-5ft)
Dense branching
Dark green short broad leavesShort inter-nodesFlowering determined by daylight it receives.
Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, NepalHigh CBD Low THC
(as comp to C.sativa)
Cannabis rudrealis
Short (1-2 ft)
Sparsely branched,
Flowers (Auto) independent of light received
Siberia but now naturalized all over world including AntarcticaLow THC, Moderate CBD
(hence used by some weed makers for medic maijuana)
So we can ascertain that only C.sativa & C.indica are the true source of Medical Cannabis. Historical records inform that Cannabis indica was not regarded as separate species and was identified as Cannabis sativa forma indica, before it was established as an independent species in 1785 by Jean-Baptiste Lamarck which was further supported by Schultes and Anderson who documented striking morphological differences in leaf and plant sizes between the two species. The origin of this species is traced to the Hindu Kush mountains in current Afghanistan. The Afghan species C.afghani also known as Kush is samle as C.indica but grows around 3000mts.
C.sativa and C.indica have both been used to create medicine and recreational drugs with individual prejudices and preferences which have altered the economics of preparations. On medicinal use the Cannabis indica is supposed to have better physical and brain activity than C.sativa owing to its higher content of CBD which effect the THC content in synergism giving an overall controlled effect. The C.sativa has higher THC content than CBD which for most parts does not work the same way. However these differences appeal to specific medicinal use and must be considered while preparing medication.On brief note Cannabis Sativa produces more fibre and oil while the Cannabis indica produces more resin (which is most valued part).
The principal psychoactive constituent of cannabis is Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC); it is one of 483 known compounds in the plant, including at least 84 other cannabinoids, such as cannabidiol (CBD), cannabinol (CBN), tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV) and cannabigerol (CBG).
AYURVED NAMES : Vijaya (Bhavprakash Nighantu)(C.indica)
ENGLISH: Indian Hemp (C.indica), Hemp (C.sativa), Marijuana, Hash (resin)
HINDI:Ganja (unfertilized flower and fruit tops with resin), Bhang (Leaves, stems), Charas/Hashish(Resin)
The flowering and fruiting tops of female Cannabis plant contain resin. When these tops are collected without any expulsion of resin it constitutes the raw material of Gaanja. In brief the flowers and fruits become covered with an exudate resin which hinders it to set its seeds free preventing fertilization. This narcotic principle which is only developed in the Ganja in the unfertilized flowers entirely disappears after fertilization has taken place.Earlier times Gaanja used to be collected from wild plants which was considered superior, but after Cannabis ban of 1980, Gaanja is collected only from cultivated plants in India under government control (Maharashtra, Bengal) whose seeds are sourced from Himachal Pradesh for its high quality. The three varieties Bombay Ganja (flat), Bengal Ganja (round) and Chur (powdered) have differences in the way they are trampled post collection to roll into cakes. The Chur variety is considered best by some while few consider the Bombay Ganja variety to be supreme.
Gaanja is used as recreational drug for smoking. 1-2gm of ganja and little tobacco is mixed with water and rubbed in palm with thumb for a short period till it becomes sticky. A clay pipe known as Chillum is used in which the prepared ganja is placed sandwiched between small amount of Tobacco which is set to fire and smoked. Generally this is done in a group of 4-5 where each one takes turn at smoking. This ritual is often associated with ascetic and Tantrik cults where Naga and Aghori sadhus are seen smoking Gaanja and going in state of trance. It is also used by sadhus such as Jogis, Bairagis and Muslim Fakirs. A sweet made by mixing Gaanja with seeds of Black Dhatura and sugar is used by criminals to drug people
Gaanja for most parts is highly medicinal and has been used by Ayurved healers to treat variety of disorders. Gaanja is an excellent brain tonic and therapeutic in all disorders of brain and nervous tissue. It is a stimulant, analgesic, sedative, appetizer, diuretic, increases serration of digest enzymes, euphoric, anti phlegm, haemostyptic, uterine contractor, aphrodisiac, tonic, reduces peripheral sensation of skin. In high doses it causes delusion and causes loss of sensation of extremities, dilates pupils and causes heavy sedation. Post sedation it generates extreme appetite. In high doses it is good anesthetic and in earlier times (even as of present) certain local healers use it as an anesthetic for teeth extraction and to make small incisions. Smoking Gaanja in controlled quantities is highly useful to treat dry cough and asthma as it reduces inflammation of alveoli in the lungs clearing inflamed pathways. Application of Gaanja paste reduces itching and burning in disorders like psoriasis. Gaanja is highly effective to treat uterine disorders like excessive bleeding and ovarian cyst. It being a good uterine contractor helps arrest bleeding. It has beneficial action on ovary, reduces cysts, tumors and promotes good egg quality. It should not be used in pregnant women unless at times of labor as it may induce abortions. Gaanja is an aphrodisiac. Its action occurs through brain and spinal responses which increases the flow to the male organ . Additionally it decreases consciousness in controlled manner so the person can retain erection and elongate ejaculation. Aghori, Nath sadhus indulging in sex rituals have been known to apply Gaanja on penis to delay and control ejection. Similarly Ganja aids women in delaying and controlling orgasms and relieving reproductive stress. Its controlled use with Tantra exercises helps achieve higher level of consciousness though there is a thin line between use and abuse. Historically Gaanja has been one of the safest medicines with no reported deaths with its use or abuse. Gaanja becomes useless as it ages and hence must always be used fresh
BHAANG
Bhaang (Siddbi, Suhji,Patti)is an obscure term with no definite definition of what it constitutes specifically as lost to history. Many times Bhaang and Gaanja are used synonymously so much that the term Bhaang in North india most times includes Gaanja while in South-India the use of term Gaanja is synonymous as inclusive of Bhaang . To derive precise allocation from history and folk data, Bhaang refers to mixture of fresh or semi- dried (shade dried)leaves along with the stems of the female Cannabis plant only, but present definition of Bhaang includes dried leaves of both male and female plants with occasional inclusion of female flower head and sometimes the male flower as adulteration. Flowers may have been added to increase the narcotic action of Bhaang to improve commerce. Sticking to historical data and usage, it seems highly probable that Bhaang is referred to collection of wet /semi-dried leaves and stems of female Cannabis plant.
On applicative scale the term Bhaang is associated with milk based drink made from the leaves of Cannabis plant. The leaves are collected or separated by pounding the entire plant (shade dried) against a block of wood. This Bhaang is famously used in preparation of Thandai (a milk product made from Bhang, poppy almonds etc) used during festival of Holi (colour festival). This drink causes the person to sing, and dance, to talk much, to eat food with great relish and to seek aphrodisiac enjoyments. The intoxication lasts about 3 hours when sleep supervenes. No nausea or sickness of stomach follows, nor are the bowels at all affected ; Next day there is slight giddiness and redness of the eyes, but no other symptoms worth recording. Ghota, a similar preparation with slight variation is drunk by Bairagis, Gosavi community especially during the Shivratri. Bhaang is never used for smoking
Bhaang as medicine is used along with Gaanja. It has actions similar to Gaanja but its actions are more pronounced on the stomach and intestine as opposed to Gaanja whose action are more on the brain. Bhaang hence is an excellent medicine for Inflamatory Bowel Disorders (Crohns, IBS, Celiac) etc where there is diarrhea accompanied with bloating, mucus and blood. Bhaang increases urine output and is an excellent medicine to treat chronic urinary tract infections(UTI). It must however be accompanied with additional herbs in case UTI is accompanied with bleeding.The dose of the leaves is 40 grains internally. Powder of the leaves applied to fresh wounds promotes granulation. A poultice of Bhaang provides instant relief in pain when applied to local inflammations, erysipelas, neuralgic pains and even hemorrhoids. Leaves make a good snuff for lighting the head stiff with sinus infection due to its phlegm cutting properties. fresh leaf juice applied to the head removes dandruff and vermin. A few drops of warm leaf juice when instilled cure ear pains. Bhaang similar to Gaanja becomes useless as it ages and looses its virility within a year or two
CHARAS (Hashis, Hash, Nasha)
Charas is the concentrated resin extracted from the leaves and flower tops (agglutinated spikes) of female cannabis plant. Charas differs from Gaanja as being pure resin as opposed to latter which contains flower buds along with resin. There are many methods to collect Charas. The leaves and flowers are rubbed in hands and the the resin that sticks to hand is collected a method prominent in India. On other instance (Afghanistan) men dressed in leather suits or jackets run through fields of Cannabis rubbing and crushing against plants early morning after dew and whatever sticks to the coat is scrapped off for commerce. Highest quality of Charas comes from India grown in Himalayan mountains of Himachal Pradesh. The Parvati valley of this state (Kasol, Malana etc) has hence become a favorite with backpackers and once interested in commerce. Here Charas is hand harvested(illegal) which produces 7-9gm of Charas per day. The quality of Charas depends on speed of harvesting, slower the better. The best of the lot is known as “Malana cream” & “Malana Supreme” which comes from Malana village (HP) and surroundings. This Charas possesses little taste, but has a powerful odour and is of the dark-green or brown colour which is strictly typical of Cannabis plants found above 7000ft (quality not reproduced in other altitudes, soil structure , species (C.sativa)or cultivation). This Charas is powerfully narcotic, chiefly used for its soothing properties in cases of mania and hysteria.
Charas is smoked similarly on lines of Gaanja in a Chillum. The soaking end is covered with a cotton cloth which is packed by layer of tightly packed pea sized Cannabis (Bhaang) paste as filter under a chunk of Charas. The consumption of Charas is wrongly associated with the Tantrik cult though similar rituals are followed of chanting holy names of Lord Shiva in veneration before smoking. Tantrik sadhus historically smoke Gaanja which has high medicinal properties and less to none adverse effects as opposed to Charas which may cause dependency. Charas degrades with time as the resin dries up. Charas on its own apart from some psychedelic attributions is not used as medicine in its pure form
Cannabis finds earliest mentions in Ayurved text as "Vijaya". It has been held in high esteem for its psychotropic & medicinal properties. Ayurved text describe manifestaions (biological, chemical etc) on basis of their properties . A scan of available literature describes Vijaya with following properties
Deepana (promotes secretions of enzymes),
Pachana (digestive),
Ruchya (stimulates olfactory & taste buds),
Madakari (intoxicant),
Vyavayi (quick-acting),
Grahi (drying effect),
Medhya (cognitive),
Rasayana (promotes life)*
It is interesting to note that Vijaya was termed as life-promoting, a paradox considering it was listed as one of the "Upa-visha". "Visha" etymologically means causing distress or sadness, or symptoms opposing life. In loose translation it can be termed as posion. The manifestations which are similar to properties of Visha but cause less & immediate distress are termed as "upa-visha" [near to posions]. A scan of classical text reveal following properties of Visha
Cannabis through history in all its natural form is not known to have ay toxic side effects with no death or casualties reported (especially with Gaanja) through history. However it may cause some unwanted side-effects which include a decrease in short-term memory, dry mouth, impaired motor skills, reddening of the eyes and feelings of paranoia or anxiety which are eventually reversible on withdrawal.
Hash oil as name suggest is derived from Charas. It is one of the most potent form of medical Cannabis as it contains high content of THC. Hash oil obtained by separating resins from Cannabis buds by solvent extraction. Most common used solvent is butane and the oil obtained is known as Butane Hash Oil (BHO) which is treated many times to free it from its solvent to get the purest form which determines its price and quality. This oil is used for smoking, vaporizing as medicine and application. This oil is now being seen as next big thing to treat disorders like Cancers and Multiple sclerosis with many testimonial and self study of patients posted on the net. The THC is generating so much interest because of the recent discovery of nerve receptors in the brain stimulated by THC (and the cloning of the gene that gives rise to these receptors) which suggests that the body produces its own version of the substance. The receptors are found mainly in the cerebral cortex, which governs higher thinking and in the hippocampus, which is a locus of memory.The oil extracted from Indian Cannabis is most supreme as although it contains lower THC than C.sativa it has higher content of CBD which acts in synergism with THC potentiating its action manifold time.
Hash oil being a synthetic derivative its dosages must be monitored. The best bet is to start with 1/2grain (equivalent to pea) 2-3 times a day and gradually increase to almost 16 pea grains per day. As tolerance develops one can increase the dose further. This dosage recommendation is for chronic inflammatory disorders like MS, Alzheimer and for cancers. It is always better to be completely informed about once medication and disorder and supervise the symptoms. One must understand that though Hash oil is a natural produce it is synthetic derivative whose concentrations are much higher. In India traditionally healers used Gaanja which is much natural form, no known side effects and much better tolerated. However due to government policies sourcing Gaanja as medicine in India is not an option, but for those who have the access in legalized states of different countries, its much better to use Gaanja as medicine rather than Hash oil. A way to use Gaanja safely is to prepare a traditional Ghee from it as per Ayurved standards to get maximum benefits of THC and also to completely kill its ill-effects. Gaanja must be cooked in 1part ghee and 2parts water till Ghee remains. One can also add 1part fresh juice of leaves and stems. This ghee must be filtered and used in a dodge of 2-3 gms 2 times a day for optimum results.
This oil is derived from seeds of Cannabis plant by cold pressing. It must be distinguished from hash oil. This oil has only industrial applications. Hemp seed oil has no THC and hence useless medicinally.
This is known as Hemp essential oil and obtained by steam distillation of Cannabis flower. It is different from Hemp oil which is derived from seed. This oil also is devoid of any THC and is used as a scent in perfumes, cosmetics, soaps, and candles. It is also used as a flavoring in foods, primarily candy and beverage
This comprises of dried flowers leaves and stems of female cannabis plant. Marijuana as collective term refers to the raw material from which all preparations of Cannabis are derived and hence is synonymous to Cannabis. On broader scale Marijuana may be considered as Bhaang or mixture of Bhang and Gaanja
Kief is synonymous to Charas but is obtained in a different manner. The cannabis leaves and flowers are beaten on a cotton cloth which results in procurement of white/yellow powder rich in trichomes. This is known as Kief and is consumed either in powder form or compressed to produce cakes of hashish.
GARDAA (Brown sugar)
Gardaa is made from waste leaves of Opium treated with chemicals to get high. The term Gardaa is wrongly associated with Charas . Garada is strong and abusive narcotic and is highly harmful as opposed to Charas. Many touts sell Gardaa in place of Charas and one must be aware.
Cannabis plant holds high reverence in Vedic literature and is considered one of the prime 5 plants or elixirs on earth. Its use in holy rituals associated with Lord Shiva by certain sects of Tantra (Aghori, Nagas, Nath) is well documented who consider it to be direct source to attain a state of liberation or Supreme consciousness (Shiva Tatva). The legend of Shiva and cannabis can be traced in a story where it is mentioned that Lord Shiva after fighting with his family, retreated into a field where he rested under a plant , ate its leaf and fell asleep . When he awoke,he became instantly rejuvenated and henceforth Cannabis would forever be his favorite food. Shiva is often referred to as the God of Bhaang. Many view the consumption of Cannabis as a Prasad, or holy offering, to Lord Shiva. Vasudhaiva Sadhus or Indian ascetics who have turned their backs on material life, consider cannabis to be a special attribute of Shiva and use it to seek spiritual freedom. These are people that have chosen to live life wearing rags and wondering the forests and towns that make up their country. They have chosen a life of celibacy and austerity, and they use cannabis as a tool to achieve transcendence. It would not be a true ascetic gathering without the consumption of marijuana.
Historically, the consumption of cannabis was a new experience to the colonial British, who observed such a widespread use that they felt the need to conduct a study in the 1890's. Part of the motivation for this study was a fear that the extensive use would drive the population mad. In order to carry out this study the Indian Hemp Drugs Commission was created to look into the cultivation, preparation, trade, and social and moral impacts of cannabis. The final report was six volumes of data and conclusions that states that prohibiting its use was unjustifiable and that its use is harmless in moderation. They also pointed out the religious and cultural significance of the consumption of cannabis in its various forms. It also showed that alcohol was more harmful than the plant. The official Indian government’s pharmacopoeia still recognizes cannabis and as recently as 1941, it was recommended to treat a large number of ailments. Medical marijuana was a major part of the Ayurvedic Medical system up until 1980 when the Indian Government decided to outlaw it on recommendation of US Government in 1980 which many claim was a move to protect the interest of giant pharma companies against cheap natural medical cures. Due to this India lost one of its most potent medicine and Ayurved an very important pain killing drug which could have served as a boon in modern healthcare system.
Cannabis genus comprises of 3 species
Cannabis sativa Linn., Sp. Pl. 1027. 1753
Cannabis indica Lam., Encyc. 1 (2): 695. 1785.
Cannabis ruderalis Janisch
Botanically all the three species are differentiated on some certain cues as due to interbreeding and domestication many phenotype variations have cropped up adding to confusion of Cannabis species.
Cannabis Sativa

Tall (6-18ft)
Long thin leaves
Sparsely branched
Long inter-nodes
Central Asia and Central Europe
High THC , Low CBD
(as comp to C.indica)
Cannabis indica

Short (4-5ft)
Dense branching
Dark green short broad leavesShort inter-nodesFlowering determined by daylight it receives.
Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, NepalHigh CBD Low THC
(as comp to C.sativa)
Cannabis rudrealis
Short (1-2 ft)
Sparsely branched,
Flowers (Auto) independent of light received
Siberia but now naturalized all over world including AntarcticaLow THC, Moderate CBD
(hence used by some weed makers for medic maijuana)
So we can ascertain that only C.sativa & C.indica are the true source of Medical Cannabis. Historical records inform that Cannabis indica was not regarded as separate species and was identified as Cannabis sativa forma indica, before it was established as an independent species in 1785 by Jean-Baptiste Lamarck which was further supported by Schultes and Anderson who documented striking morphological differences in leaf and plant sizes between the two species. The origin of this species is traced to the Hindu Kush mountains in current Afghanistan. The Afghan species C.afghani also known as Kush is samle as C.indica but grows around 3000mts.
C.sativa and C.indica have both been used to create medicine and recreational drugs with individual prejudices and preferences which have altered the economics of preparations. On medicinal use the Cannabis indica is supposed to have better physical and brain activity than C.sativa owing to its higher content of CBD which effect the THC content in synergism giving an overall controlled effect. The C.sativa has higher THC content than CBD which for most parts does not work the same way. However these differences appeal to specific medicinal use and must be considered while preparing medication.On brief note Cannabis Sativa produces more fibre and oil while the Cannabis indica produces more resin (which is most valued part).
The principal psychoactive constituent of cannabis is Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC); it is one of 483 known compounds in the plant, including at least 84 other cannabinoids, such as cannabidiol (CBD), cannabinol (CBN), tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV) and cannabigerol (CBG).
AYURVED NAMES : Vijaya (Bhavprakash Nighantu)(C.indica)
ENGLISH: Indian Hemp (C.indica), Hemp (C.sativa), Marijuana, Hash (resin)
HINDI:Ganja (unfertilized flower and fruit tops with resin), Bhang (Leaves, stems), Charas/Hashish(Resin)

Gaanja is used as recreational drug for smoking. 1-2gm of ganja and little tobacco is mixed with water and rubbed in palm with thumb for a short period till it becomes sticky. A clay pipe known as Chillum is used in which the prepared ganja is placed sandwiched between small amount of Tobacco which is set to fire and smoked. Generally this is done in a group of 4-5 where each one takes turn at smoking. This ritual is often associated with ascetic and Tantrik cults where Naga and Aghori sadhus are seen smoking Gaanja and going in state of trance. It is also used by sadhus such as Jogis, Bairagis and Muslim Fakirs. A sweet made by mixing Gaanja with seeds of Black Dhatura and sugar is used by criminals to drug people
Gaanja for most parts is highly medicinal and has been used by Ayurved healers to treat variety of disorders. Gaanja is an excellent brain tonic and therapeutic in all disorders of brain and nervous tissue. It is a stimulant, analgesic, sedative, appetizer, diuretic, increases serration of digest enzymes, euphoric, anti phlegm, haemostyptic, uterine contractor, aphrodisiac, tonic, reduces peripheral sensation of skin. In high doses it causes delusion and causes loss of sensation of extremities, dilates pupils and causes heavy sedation. Post sedation it generates extreme appetite. In high doses it is good anesthetic and in earlier times (even as of present) certain local healers use it as an anesthetic for teeth extraction and to make small incisions. Smoking Gaanja in controlled quantities is highly useful to treat dry cough and asthma as it reduces inflammation of alveoli in the lungs clearing inflamed pathways. Application of Gaanja paste reduces itching and burning in disorders like psoriasis. Gaanja is highly effective to treat uterine disorders like excessive bleeding and ovarian cyst. It being a good uterine contractor helps arrest bleeding. It has beneficial action on ovary, reduces cysts, tumors and promotes good egg quality. It should not be used in pregnant women unless at times of labor as it may induce abortions. Gaanja is an aphrodisiac. Its action occurs through brain and spinal responses which increases the flow to the male organ . Additionally it decreases consciousness in controlled manner so the person can retain erection and elongate ejaculation. Aghori, Nath sadhus indulging in sex rituals have been known to apply Gaanja on penis to delay and control ejection. Similarly Ganja aids women in delaying and controlling orgasms and relieving reproductive stress. Its controlled use with Tantra exercises helps achieve higher level of consciousness though there is a thin line between use and abuse. Historically Gaanja has been one of the safest medicines with no reported deaths with its use or abuse. Gaanja becomes useless as it ages and hence must always be used fresh

Bhaang (Siddbi, Suhji,Patti)is an obscure term with no definite definition of what it constitutes specifically as lost to history. Many times Bhaang and Gaanja are used synonymously so much that the term Bhaang in North india most times includes Gaanja while in South-India the use of term Gaanja is synonymous as inclusive of Bhaang . To derive precise allocation from history and folk data, Bhaang refers to mixture of fresh or semi- dried (shade dried)leaves along with the stems of the female Cannabis plant only, but present definition of Bhaang includes dried leaves of both male and female plants with occasional inclusion of female flower head and sometimes the male flower as adulteration. Flowers may have been added to increase the narcotic action of Bhaang to improve commerce. Sticking to historical data and usage, it seems highly probable that Bhaang is referred to collection of wet /semi-dried leaves and stems of female Cannabis plant.
On applicative scale the term Bhaang is associated with milk based drink made from the leaves of Cannabis plant. The leaves are collected or separated by pounding the entire plant (shade dried) against a block of wood. This Bhaang is famously used in preparation of Thandai (a milk product made from Bhang, poppy almonds etc) used during festival of Holi (colour festival). This drink causes the person to sing, and dance, to talk much, to eat food with great relish and to seek aphrodisiac enjoyments. The intoxication lasts about 3 hours when sleep supervenes. No nausea or sickness of stomach follows, nor are the bowels at all affected ; Next day there is slight giddiness and redness of the eyes, but no other symptoms worth recording. Ghota, a similar preparation with slight variation is drunk by Bairagis, Gosavi community especially during the Shivratri. Bhaang is never used for smoking
Bhaang as medicine is used along with Gaanja. It has actions similar to Gaanja but its actions are more pronounced on the stomach and intestine as opposed to Gaanja whose action are more on the brain. Bhaang hence is an excellent medicine for Inflamatory Bowel Disorders (Crohns, IBS, Celiac) etc where there is diarrhea accompanied with bloating, mucus and blood. Bhaang increases urine output and is an excellent medicine to treat chronic urinary tract infections(UTI). It must however be accompanied with additional herbs in case UTI is accompanied with bleeding.The dose of the leaves is 40 grains internally. Powder of the leaves applied to fresh wounds promotes granulation. A poultice of Bhaang provides instant relief in pain when applied to local inflammations, erysipelas, neuralgic pains and even hemorrhoids. Leaves make a good snuff for lighting the head stiff with sinus infection due to its phlegm cutting properties. fresh leaf juice applied to the head removes dandruff and vermin. A few drops of warm leaf juice when instilled cure ear pains. Bhaang similar to Gaanja becomes useless as it ages and looses its virility within a year or two
CHARAS (Hashis, Hash, Nasha)

Charas is the concentrated resin extracted from the leaves and flower tops (agglutinated spikes) of female cannabis plant. Charas differs from Gaanja as being pure resin as opposed to latter which contains flower buds along with resin. There are many methods to collect Charas. The leaves and flowers are rubbed in hands and the the resin that sticks to hand is collected a method prominent in India. On other instance (Afghanistan) men dressed in leather suits or jackets run through fields of Cannabis rubbing and crushing against plants early morning after dew and whatever sticks to the coat is scrapped off for commerce. Highest quality of Charas comes from India grown in Himalayan mountains of Himachal Pradesh. The Parvati valley of this state (Kasol, Malana etc) has hence become a favorite with backpackers and once interested in commerce. Here Charas is hand harvested(illegal) which produces 7-9gm of Charas per day. The quality of Charas depends on speed of harvesting, slower the better. The best of the lot is known as “Malana cream” & “Malana Supreme” which comes from Malana village (HP) and surroundings. This Charas possesses little taste, but has a powerful odour and is of the dark-green or brown colour which is strictly typical of Cannabis plants found above 7000ft (quality not reproduced in other altitudes, soil structure , species (C.sativa)or cultivation). This Charas is powerfully narcotic, chiefly used for its soothing properties in cases of mania and hysteria.
Charas is smoked similarly on lines of Gaanja in a Chillum. The soaking end is covered with a cotton cloth which is packed by layer of tightly packed pea sized Cannabis (Bhaang) paste as filter under a chunk of Charas. The consumption of Charas is wrongly associated with the Tantrik cult though similar rituals are followed of chanting holy names of Lord Shiva in veneration before smoking. Tantrik sadhus historically smoke Gaanja which has high medicinal properties and less to none adverse effects as opposed to Charas which may cause dependency. Charas degrades with time as the resin dries up. Charas on its own apart from some psychedelic attributions is not used as medicine in its pure form
Cannabis finds earliest mentions in Ayurved text as "Vijaya". It has been held in high esteem for its psychotropic & medicinal properties. Ayurved text describe manifestaions (biological, chemical etc) on basis of their properties . A scan of available literature describes Vijaya with following properties
Deepana (promotes secretions of enzymes),
Pachana (digestive),
Ruchya (stimulates olfactory & taste buds),
Madakari (intoxicant),
Vyavayi (quick-acting),
Grahi (drying effect),
Medhya (cognitive),
Rasayana (promotes life)*
It is interesting to note that Vijaya was termed as life-promoting, a paradox considering it was listed as one of the "Upa-visha". "Visha" etymologically means causing distress or sadness, or symptoms opposing life. In loose translation it can be termed as posion. The manifestations which are similar to properties of Visha but cause less & immediate distress are termed as "upa-visha" [near to posions]. A scan of classical text reveal following properties of Visha
- Laghu (light)
- Rusksha (rough)
- Ashu (quick)
- Vishad (creating distress)
- Vyavayi (quick absorbing)
- Tiskhna (potent)
- Vikasi (quick-spreading)
- Sookshma (microabsorption)
- Ushna (heat)
- Apaki (not bio-assimiliating) (sushrut)/(vagbhat)
- Anierdeshya (unfathomable actions) (charak)
- Ayaktarasa (non cognoscente of enzymatic complex) (vagbhat)
- Ashleshmchedi (sharangdhar)
- Vatakaphaharit (bhavprakash)
- Gomutra Nimajjana: soaking in cow urine for a prescribed period.
- Swedana : boiling in different liquids such as milk, urine, vegetable .
- Bharjana : frying
- Bhavana : maceration and/ or trituration .
- Nihsnehana : reduction of oily content .
- Kshalana : washing
- Nistvachikarana : removal of husk/cover
Cannabis through history in all its natural form is not known to have ay toxic side effects with no death or casualties reported (especially with Gaanja) through history. However it may cause some unwanted side-effects which include a decrease in short-term memory, dry mouth, impaired motor skills, reddening of the eyes and feelings of paranoia or anxiety which are eventually reversible on withdrawal.
Hash oil as name suggest is derived from Charas. It is one of the most potent form of medical Cannabis as it contains high content of THC. Hash oil obtained by separating resins from Cannabis buds by solvent extraction. Most common used solvent is butane and the oil obtained is known as Butane Hash Oil (BHO) which is treated many times to free it from its solvent to get the purest form which determines its price and quality. This oil is used for smoking, vaporizing as medicine and application. This oil is now being seen as next big thing to treat disorders like Cancers and Multiple sclerosis with many testimonial and self study of patients posted on the net. The THC is generating so much interest because of the recent discovery of nerve receptors in the brain stimulated by THC (and the cloning of the gene that gives rise to these receptors) which suggests that the body produces its own version of the substance. The receptors are found mainly in the cerebral cortex, which governs higher thinking and in the hippocampus, which is a locus of memory.The oil extracted from Indian Cannabis is most supreme as although it contains lower THC than C.sativa it has higher content of CBD which acts in synergism with THC potentiating its action manifold time.
Hash oil being a synthetic derivative its dosages must be monitored. The best bet is to start with 1/2grain (equivalent to pea) 2-3 times a day and gradually increase to almost 16 pea grains per day. As tolerance develops one can increase the dose further. This dosage recommendation is for chronic inflammatory disorders like MS, Alzheimer and for cancers. It is always better to be completely informed about once medication and disorder and supervise the symptoms. One must understand that though Hash oil is a natural produce it is synthetic derivative whose concentrations are much higher. In India traditionally healers used Gaanja which is much natural form, no known side effects and much better tolerated. However due to government policies sourcing Gaanja as medicine in India is not an option, but for those who have the access in legalized states of different countries, its much better to use Gaanja as medicine rather than Hash oil. A way to use Gaanja safely is to prepare a traditional Ghee from it as per Ayurved standards to get maximum benefits of THC and also to completely kill its ill-effects. Gaanja must be cooked in 1part ghee and 2parts water till Ghee remains. One can also add 1part fresh juice of leaves and stems. This ghee must be filtered and used in a dodge of 2-3 gms 2 times a day for optimum results.
This oil is derived from seeds of Cannabis plant by cold pressing. It must be distinguished from hash oil. This oil has only industrial applications. Hemp seed oil has no THC and hence useless medicinally.
This is known as Hemp essential oil and obtained by steam distillation of Cannabis flower. It is different from Hemp oil which is derived from seed. This oil also is devoid of any THC and is used as a scent in perfumes, cosmetics, soaps, and candles. It is also used as a flavoring in foods, primarily candy and beverage
This comprises of dried flowers leaves and stems of female cannabis plant. Marijuana as collective term refers to the raw material from which all preparations of Cannabis are derived and hence is synonymous to Cannabis. On broader scale Marijuana may be considered as Bhaang or mixture of Bhang and Gaanja
Kief is synonymous to Charas but is obtained in a different manner. The cannabis leaves and flowers are beaten on a cotton cloth which results in procurement of white/yellow powder rich in trichomes. This is known as Kief and is consumed either in powder form or compressed to produce cakes of hashish.
GARDAA (Brown sugar)
Gardaa is made from waste leaves of Opium treated with chemicals to get high. The term Gardaa is wrongly associated with Charas . Garada is strong and abusive narcotic and is highly harmful as opposed to Charas. Many touts sell Gardaa in place of Charas and one must be aware.
Cannabis plant holds high reverence in Vedic literature and is considered one of the prime 5 plants or elixirs on earth. Its use in holy rituals associated with Lord Shiva by certain sects of Tantra (Aghori, Nagas, Nath) is well documented who consider it to be direct source to attain a state of liberation or Supreme consciousness (Shiva Tatva). The legend of Shiva and cannabis can be traced in a story where it is mentioned that Lord Shiva after fighting with his family, retreated into a field where he rested under a plant , ate its leaf and fell asleep . When he awoke,he became instantly rejuvenated and henceforth Cannabis would forever be his favorite food. Shiva is often referred to as the God of Bhaang. Many view the consumption of Cannabis as a Prasad, or holy offering, to Lord Shiva. Vasudhaiva Sadhus or Indian ascetics who have turned their backs on material life, consider cannabis to be a special attribute of Shiva and use it to seek spiritual freedom. These are people that have chosen to live life wearing rags and wondering the forests and towns that make up their country. They have chosen a life of celibacy and austerity, and they use cannabis as a tool to achieve transcendence. It would not be a true ascetic gathering without the consumption of marijuana.
Historically, the consumption of cannabis was a new experience to the colonial British, who observed such a widespread use that they felt the need to conduct a study in the 1890's. Part of the motivation for this study was a fear that the extensive use would drive the population mad. In order to carry out this study the Indian Hemp Drugs Commission was created to look into the cultivation, preparation, trade, and social and moral impacts of cannabis. The final report was six volumes of data and conclusions that states that prohibiting its use was unjustifiable and that its use is harmless in moderation. They also pointed out the religious and cultural significance of the consumption of cannabis in its various forms. It also showed that alcohol was more harmful than the plant. The official Indian government’s pharmacopoeia still recognizes cannabis and as recently as 1941, it was recommended to treat a large number of ailments. Medical marijuana was a major part of the Ayurvedic Medical system up until 1980 when the Indian Government decided to outlaw it on recommendation of US Government in 1980 which many claim was a move to protect the interest of giant pharma companies against cheap natural medical cures. Due to this India lost one of its most potent medicine and Ayurved an very important pain killing drug which could have served as a boon in modern healthcare system.
1 comment:
Great Article Sir, can I legally get Ganjaa in India (govt approved stores)?
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