Delphinium denudatum Wall. ex Hook. & Thoms., Fl. Ind. 49. 1855.
AYURVED NAME: Nirbisha/ Nirvisha
ESTD.By: Dymock W, Pharmacographica Indica, Vol1
DESCRIPTION: Plant 40-80 cm high, much branched, subglabrous
to strigose or spreading pubescent in the upper part. Petioles of lower
leaves up to 15 cm, upper ones much shorter, leaf blade of basal leaves
5-15 mm wide, rounded, 3-5 parted into broadly obovate segments,
segments pinnately and divaricately laciniate into oblong lobes or teeth
2-3 mm wide. Cauline leaves similar but smaller. Inflorescence
paniculate, of few-flowered racemes. Bracts 5-15 mm, linear. Pedicels
10-40 mm, ascending, bracteoles attached near the middle of the pedicel.
Sepals blue to violet, upper sepal 12-13 x 6-7 mm, ovate, acute,
pubescent, spur 14-15 mm long, c. 3.5 mm wide at the base, lateral sepal
13 x 7-8 mm, oblong-ovate, rounded, pubescent on the midline, lower
sepals 14-15 x 7 mm, oblong-obovate, rounded, pubescent. Upper petal
white with bluish apex, limb 8-9 mm, glabrous, 2-dentate, oblique, spur
13-15 mm, lower petal blue or violet, c. 6 mm long, broadly elliptic,
rounded, cleft almost to the middle, claw 5 mm. Stamens 5-6 mm.
Follicles 3, 10-16 x 3-3.5 mm, sparsely strigose or subglabrous, style
2-3 mm. Seed obpyramidal, 1 mm long, dark, scales irregularly arranged,
relatively long.
Phenology (Fl. & Frt.):May-August
The term Jadwar is and Arabic derivation of the Persian word Zadwar (great purifier, antidote). Persians word mah-Parvin (moon and plea ides) is synonymous with Jadwar as it blossoms in beginning of summer when plea dies rise.In India it is named as Narbasi/Nirbisi/Nirvisha as it has antidotal properties and clearly acts on Aconite poisoning. The plant occurs on the grassy slopes in western temperate Himalays, from Kumaon to Kashmir ranging at altitudes [2500-3700m].