Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Herbal Secrets of Dard Tribe Dying Traditions Kashmir

Shina is an endangered language. It is native of Dard community which reside in the Gilgit Baltistan sector of Kashmir. Now divided by LOC with the pristine yet unexplored untouched Gurez Tulail valley which lies in India, the entire region was once part of Dardistan that connected Kashmir valley to Kashgar in Tibet. This community forms an important link between the lost traditions of Sharda , the Shakti traditions of Tantra. We find many references of ancient civilisation marks in the modern day surviving Dard community through their herbal or ethno-medicinal traditions. This dying knowledge is an important link between the algorithmic cryptic knowledge about Vedic herbs. Vedic herbs have prominently be identified by generic species, however each herb is in itself a collection of various therapeutic possibilities depending on its geographical distribution which is understood by the various synonyms they are associated with representing their morphological variations and specific chemotypes. The ethno-medicinal knowledge of these lesser traditions present us an opportunity to identify and catalogue Ayurveda herbs through novel paradigms which may promote chemotype based medicinal economics. This viewpoint also help us protect wild pastures & forest to conserve biodiversity of species along with the dynamics of fauna they sustain on & not indulge in mindless cultivation of economically important species. This wil promote sustainable picking, preserve these traditional knowledge & may create a green economy with healthy eco-tourism


00:00 Start of The Video, Introducing the topic of Traditional ethno-medicine and its assessment in modern day world

00:46 Start of the interview. Traditional healer from Dard community who speaks ancient and endangered Shina language shares his knowledge about medicinal herbs , Patrees/ Patis,  Nagpape, Kharkosal, Jaume, Shitkar/Sheetkar, Tripatri & some unknown herbs used to regrow hair and even treat cancers.

05:39 Informs about the religious and spiritual importance of the vedic herb Mushkbala as known locally and how its Hindu significance is imbibed in the Shina culture

06:01 Musk deer, how the deer found in Tulai Gurez valley especially in Wazirthal Badugam is special due to the divine Kishen ganga stream water it drinks. How it must be prevented from poaching and its how  a sustainable economy around musk is created, he informs about traditional use of Musk

06:53 Informs about the mineral and gemstones found in valley , Granite, Gold, Diamonds, Iron. He also informs about the traditional sindoor or cinnabar from which sindoor or vermillion was made as used in Hindusim

07:35 Informs about the rich produce and cash crops of this valley. Edible mushroom that sell at around 80,000rs per kg & how government can create a viable economy

08:11 My insights about Taxonomical species and Vedic herbs. how we must not identify Ayurveda herbs as singular species. What is the algorithm behind codified herbs in ayurveda and how the depict environmental & chemotypic biodiversity

09:13 The healer informs about ancient route of Dard from Gilgit Baltistan now in POK towards Kashmir valley. He talks about the divinity of Lord Shiva, how these mountains are abode of Shiva energy and why one must come here to experience the divinity

09:45 He talks about sustainable tourism in the valley. How there is a myth that it is not safe to visit this valley, why people should come & how hospitable they would feel on visit

11:15 My final thoughts about herbal cultivation vs biodiversity. How we can preserve these traditions and link their knowledge in decoding Vedic algorithms through which a sustainable green economy & ecotourism can be created

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